Professional resources

Before you get started, we’d like you to learn a little bit more about what co-production is and (more importantly) is not.

Please watch this short video from our friends at the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s Recovery and Wellbeing Academy.


If you’re looking for something in a paper format to send out to someone you’re working with, you can download and print this leaflet (as we no longer offer a full printed prospectus).

Recovery and Discovery College one page poster (PDF, 311 KB)


Recovery orientated language guide 3rd edition

Recovery-Oriented-Language-Guide-3rd-edition (PDF, 2 MB)


Trauma informed language guide

West_Yorkshire_Trauma_Informed_Language_Guidance (PDF, 2 MB)


Improving Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC) paper on the ideas behind recovery colleges and implementing these.

Recovery_Colleges (PDF, 341 KB)


Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal article on the unique approaches of recovery colleges.

Recovery College Unique approach (2016) (PDF, 135 KB)


Improving Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC)  paper on recovery colleges 10 years on.

ImROC-Recovery-Colleges-10-Years-On (PDF, 374 KB)


Improving Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC) paper on experiences of co-production.

ImROC-co-production – sharing our experiences (PDF, 295 KB)


Improving Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC) paper on supporting recovery in mental health services.

ImROC Quality and Outcomes in recovery in mental health (PDF, 866 KB)


Centre Forum paper on the role of recovery colleges in the route to employment.

Recovery Colleges and Employment (PDF, 542 KB)


NESTA paper on the values and challenges of co-production.

The Challenge of Co-production (PDF, 342 KB)


Pre-curser for Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support within the ReCOVERY College Model: A Realist Evaluation (DiSCOVERY), part of a National Institute for Health Research/Health Services and Delivery Research researcher-led stream project

Recovery colleges and dementia courses – a scoping survey Lowen Birt & West 2019 (PDF, 113 KB)


20 minute training on suicide awareness from the Zero Suicide Alliance, aiming to give people who participate (at their own pace, in their own time) the skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide.

Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) suicide awareness training


The Zero Suicide Alliance also have other free, shorter modules available to support people with suicide awareness.

Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) alternative training


Carers UK have published guidance for health professionals which explains how the offer works and includes an access code to provide unpaid carers as well as ideas and tips for how to refer them for support.