A week in the life of…Zoe


May 10, 2024

Hello, I am Zoe! I am a student social worker on placement with the recovery college! Welcome to a snippet of a week in my life.

I have been able to work on my working from home skills with the recovery college because a lot of the work takes place online. Therefore, essentials are coffee and snacks! And repeat!

I work Monday to Friday 9-5 with the glorious recovery college team and each morning we aim to have a catch up on literally anything we want to talk, vent or laugh about!

Throughout the week, I keep on top with checking any emails coming through. This can vary from new opportunities for courses, events to attend or shadowing experiences, given my student status.

I work with volunteers and professionals to co-produce and co-facilitate courses! Fun fact-I also like attending courses as a student for my own knowledge base!

I can also conduct ILPs now, also known as individual learning plans. This is the initial phone call we have with students when they are enrolling to get a sense of their support needs and learning needs, so they feel as comfortable as possible on our courses!

I also do not shy away from asking the team any questions about something I am unsure about, sorry team!

Thanks for listening to my little week in the life story!

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