Have your say! Aged 16-25?? We need your help!

We want to offer courses and workshops for young people under 18 who want to learn and understand more about health conditions that may affect them or somebody close to them and how to manage these conditions and the impact it may have on their lives.
We want young people to be able to speak to people who have been or are currently going through the same thing and we need your help to help us work out how to do this.
We need to know what you think it should be called, how you want it to run, what is important for us to know and we need your help co-producing it.
So, if you’d like to get involved with setting up and developing a recovery college for under 18’s, (even if you only have a spare 10 minutes or just want to be involved via telephone, questionnaires… your opinion is important) then please get in touch, it would be great to hear from you.
You can contact Rachel on 07774 006482 or 01924 316946, send us an email (wakefieldrecoverycollege@swyt.nhs.uk) or get in touch with us on any of our social media platforms and we will get back to you.
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